Monday, November 5, 2007

About Me

Crazy is as crazy does.
Ok, so I am not clinically CRAZY, just mildly crazy. Crazy is such a loose term anyway. I once rolled down a hill outside of a local restaurant. Some, including my husband, would deem that to be crazy. I deemed it as tons of fun. It was the perfect hill for rolling down, and my friend and I could not resist! So we did it, and you know what? A few other patrons of the restaurant actually left their tables and came outside to do it after seeing us do it out the window!
I am a 30 year old mother of two with a green question mark tattoo on my right ankle. Why a question mark? Well, I was 18 and stupid and not even drunk. I didn't know what I wanted, so the tattoo artist said..."How about a question mark?" Me-"DUH... OK!" Forked over $40 and am permanently reminded of a stupid, crazy mistake.
I do feel crazy on most days. You know, the "I am losing my mind, I think I am going insane" feeling. That feeling you get after a day of dealing with fit after fit after fit from your 3 year old. The feeling you get after getting absolutly nothing accomplished all day long and your husband walks in and says, "so exactly what did you do today?" Like the mere accomplishment of NOT killing the children wasn't quite enough, he expected a sparkling clean house too! Does anyone else know that feeling? And actually, right at this exact moment, I am starting to feel a little psychotic. It is 10 p.m. and my 3 year is refusing to give it up for the night. Instead she is pulling my hair. Little does she know that I too would like to pull my hair out right now!
At the end of the day though, I think that a little crazy is a good thing. It is good to be crazy, to have some fun. Roll down that hill, even though you are a wife, a mom, and many more things. What fun is life if we just look at the hill and remember the good ol' days of our youth when we would do something like that. I say, go for it....roll away my friends, roll down that hill. Be crazy, have fun! But as for the question mark tattoo....Um, just say NO!


Husband-Erik said...

I only ask to show that you do get something accomplished everyday even it is taking care of the 3 year old that tears stuff up. I love you.

Kimberly Nobles said...

sounds like someone is sucking up!

Kimberly Nobles said...

Shalon - I think this is a great idea. There are some things only other Moms can understand. Like the feeling I had when my 2 year old son was walking around the house with an egg in his hand this morning while I was in the shower. Obviously my shower was very short.

Husband-Erik said...

Kim i never suck up you should know that. haha

Did you get the shampoo out of your hair? haha

Unknown said...

I would definitely roll down that hill with you! Love your blog! Keep it coming!

Crystal said...

Is the Title of your future Best Seller going to be ... Question Mark??....Uh, Just say No! A Diary of Surviving Life as a Stay at Home Mom. You are funny.

Rebecca Lopez said...

Oh you two always make me laugh, always have, always will!!

Unknown said...

As for the tattoo...Relish the moments of teenage spontaneity. I still love my tattoo that I got with you. :) I thought it was fun. Plus Anita wanted to kill us. That was great. Rolling down the hill sounds like a blast.

Love ya,

Shalon said...

I would relish my tattoo, if it weren't so stupid. Maybe I should have named this instead! Seriously, who in their very sober mind gets a question mark tattoo? Maybe I should just start lying and say that I was so wasted!~ That would atleast make my story make a little more sense. However, if I had a cool tatto like Codie's, I would relish it! Question Mark??? Not so much!

Shalon said...

What's this Tobie? Your rude comment is the BLOG MASTER of THIS page, I trashed it! And since I am the one in charge of buying your Christmas present, maybe next time you shouldn't say something so mean!