Monday, November 12, 2007

Oliver Twist

Wasn't it Oliver Twist who asked for "More soup, please?" Well I think that I might know how that little fella was feeling. I'm soooo hungry!
As many of you know, I am in a weight loss competition. It is a 10 week competition, based on percentage of body fat lost. It ends on Thanksgiving morning, so that we can go stuff ourselves silly after the final weigh-in. The first place winner gets $200, second place gets $100. We are all paying in a total of $50 over the 10 week period.
So where do I lay in the group of dieters? First place baby! YEAH ME! I am in first place for the time being, but I am not singing till the final results are in. And, should I be the winner, it won't be the fat lady singing...but it will be me...15-20 pounds lighter, singing and dancing a jig. My goal is 20 pounds, and I still have 4 more to go by Thanksgiving.
Which brings me to Oliver Twist. I am starving! I am not starving myself, but I am not eating my usual portions of food. For dinner I had a meal replacement shake which is a whopping 120 calories. I added in a few bites of chicken though. So 2 hours later, my stomach is growling as though I haven't eaten all day long. I really want to go raid the pantry, pack on some Oreos and milk. Eat the bag of Barbeque Lays that are in there taunting me. I want to devour the bag of caramel Hershey Kisses. I really want to eat. But more than I want to eat, I want to step on that scale on Thursday and have it read 2 pounds lighter than I was last week.
So for now, I guess that I will have to remain strong and just go to bed hungry. Thank goodness I have never been a midnight snacker. Wish me luck, please, in reaching my goal and most importantly, winning the $200 that is on the line. I really want it...really really bad! Not that it will go very far this holiday season, but every little bit helps huh?
So, for tonight, Oliver Twist and I will go to bed hungry, in hopes that tomorrow brings a smaller stomach, or "More soup, please!"


Husband-Erik said...

Your funny and skinny now. I just wish I knew who Oliver Twist was and why he could not eat. Did he have that disorder you like? HAHAH

Love you and your skinny self.

Shalon said...

He was an orphan boy. He wanted a second helping of soup, so he dared ask for More soup please. Needless to say, he didn't get any more soup, and I think that he got a beating for asking for more soup. The movie is on sale at Brookshires for $5.00. Wanna get it? Probably not, it is a musical!